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Beginning the Game

Be sure that you have your box! To purchase a box:

Click this link!

You may open your box now! Quickly double check that you have everything that you need: 

How to Play

As a hard-boiled detective, you know that this city is dangerous. To help you navigate these perilous streets, click on the map button on the top-left anytime you want to travel to another location.

At every location you visit, there is a puzzle you need to solve to progress the game. Enter the code word and press SUBMIT. If correct, the outro video will play. Both intro and outro videos contain no clues you need to solve any puzzles.

Even wiseguys need a hand, feel free to click the hint button on the bottom-left for some help. Hints will only appear if you have visited the location first, so check again the next time you get stuck! You can also verify passwords if you think you have a correct code word (or if you want to skip the puzzle).

Ready to Start?

Click Here to Begin!